Thursday, January 20, 2011

Safeway: New Just For U Program (What's It All About?)

Safeway "Just For You Program" is designed to to give consumers lots of money without having to clip coupons! I decided to explain the Just For U program as I understand it.   I tested out this new program over the past month and it gave me a good impression. Registration costs nothing, and Safeway is offering a freebie    (one dozen eggs) to most markets for people who register when it rolls out- you will need to load the coupon to your card to get your free item. Linking your Club Card  to your Just for U account allows the system to analyze your purchase history and will then automatically provides savings based on what you actually purchase.   
Just For You program has only rolled out in 3 markets thus far: Hawaii, Illinois and Northern California.  It should be rolling out to the entire family of stores (Vons, Genuardi’s, Randall’s, Pavillion’s, Tom Thumb, and Dominick’s) very soon.  Safeway is putting a huge amount of resources behind this program so expect to see lots of hoopla at your store once it hits your city.  
Just For You Program Components:
The Coupon Center - You can browse through hundreds of coupons, with just a single click, you can add them onto your Club Card.  Gone are the days of  leaving my coupons on the kitchen counter or even tucked them in my purse and gone right through the checkout without using them. This feature of having a variety of coupons pre-loaded onto your card is just so amazing!
Personalized Deals - Similar to the Coupon Center, a single click adds these coupons onto your card.  What appears on the list is based on your shopping habits.  The lovable part I like the most is that you can see a price comparison with Walmart.  However, the comparison is only with Walmart and not all other local grocery stores.  However, if you find yourself choosing between Walmart and Safeway for most of your shopping, this is definitely a useful feature.
Club Specials - This feature shows you club pricing only on the items you normally buy.  You can then add them onto an online shopping list.
Online Shopping List - This shopping list can be emailed or printed. This is where you will find the items that you have added to your Club Card from the coupon center, personalized deals or club specials. Items are also sorted by category to make your in-store shopping experience easier. 
Overall, I like Safeway's Just for U program although there are plenty of complaints coming from other consumers. I believe this is just temporary and may this blog enlightens you on how wonderful the Just For You program is. It takes grocery club card programs to a new height. I don't think it is a substitution for price booking and it still cannot beat the military commissary prices that I personally enjoy.  However, for most Hawaii residents, Just for U is a new way to save a decent chunk of money on groceries (on average my sister-in-law saved 18% on her shopping trips  at Safeway).   Register now and enjoy hassle free shopping! All the features I discussed in this post are accessible through an easy-to-navigate online site.  For additional questions, check out the Just for U FAQ.  

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