We can only accept print-at-home coupons if they scan properly at checkout. Legitimate printable coupons are delivered using special software designed to print a properly rendered barcode on the coupon and limit the number of coupons printed.
We will generally not accept “FREE product” (no purchase required) print-at-home coupons. It is currently an imce_markerndustry practice not to produce print-at-home manufacturer’s coupons for free product. Buy-on-get-one-free coupons and other values that have a purchase requirement are acceptable.
We will usually not accept coupons for more than about 75% of a product’s value. For example, a $2.00 off coupon will be acceptable for a product that normally sells for $5.00 or more. But a $2.00 off printable coupon for a product that sells for $2.25 is unlikely to be legitimate. If there are exceptions we are usually provide advance notice by the manufacturer.
Coupons will be rejected if they appear distorted or blurry, altered in any way, or are obvious duplicates. You should always print the coupon yourself directly from the website or email that is offering it. Only then can you ensure you are printing a legitimate coupon. The coupon will never appear on your computer screen. A legitimate coupon is never sent as a graphic or PDF or sent in a Word document.
Print-at-home coupons should never be copied, sold, or traded. They should not ne photocopied or scanned and distributed to others. They have unique serial numbers printed on them and follow an industry-standard format. Coupons are never sold and you should not pay for someone’s “time to clip” or other service fee.
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